Could blizzard see if i was using tinytask
Could blizzard see if i was using tinytask

could blizzard see if i was using tinytask

Some bosses have given everyone, including me, a fair shake others have been baldly sexist. There were instructors in college and grad school who assumed i couldn't properly do math or science. In contrast, my teachers told me "girls don't do that" when I tried ot defend myself from a bully. Which is incredible for 1970s rural Iowa. Thinking, Mom did a pretty good job of letting me figure out for myself who I was. Three days seems awfully young to be saddled with gender assumptions. But anything I did now would look cheap&nasty. If I'd planned ahead more, I could have hand-crafted a card like my sister does. And all the gender-neutral cards seem to imply not knowing the gender, or not caring enough to have found out. We know the gender of the child, but I dislike every single gender-specific card I've seen. People agreed we should do it so.I'm getting the card, collecting the money, and getting a gift. None of the people who used to do that sort of thing are around anymore. I pointed out to the team that we had done gift&card for his first it seemed we should for this one too. Between that and the garden, I am eating very, very well.Įrsatz_read"Our" consultant and his wife just had their second child - yep, he's been stuck with us long enough to have two kids, with a bit of a gap in between. I'm handling my enviromental concerns by purchasing less meat - the meat from Conscious Carnivore is pricey, but tasty. Basically, outsourcing my ethical concerns about meat - even though I'm not sure what "humanely killed" means. Needs some tweaking but the flavors were excellent.īeen buying meat at The Conscious Carnivore. Needed to mostly-bake the crust, then cook the blueberry filling and pour in, then make the coconut cream and pour on top, then make the meringue and bake it - hoping I wouldn't burn the crust or un-set the fillings. And a fine pie experiment: blueberry coconut cream meringue. Whitney crabs and dolgo crabs - but I have been slow to harvest. They're long done now, but elderberries are coming on. Had a fine time eating a solid handful of blackcaps from the yard every day after work. Can wait for winter to take its course, or I can pour hot soapy water in it and cover it with a bucket. Herb garden project is on hold until I decide what to do about the yellow jacket nest I dug into (only 1 sting). Only one achocha plant survived cutworms (by the time I noticed, the damage was done), but it should be self-fertile and has tons of flowers. Bitter melons (at least 3 varieties), bottle gourd, winter squash, summer squash, okra, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, purslane. Beans are in the August lull - they'll likely be back. I am up to my ears in cucumbers - gele tros cukes, assorted nice long Japanese slicing cukes, pickling cukes. The 3 new garden beds are making it abundantly clear that the older beds are under-nourished. But, it would be good to stretch those muscles and see what they can still do. And writing fiction for 20 years out is tricky. I have most of an idea, but am so very rusty at the actual mechanics of writing fiction. The stories posted so far tend toward the.panderous. The new one uses the charcoal filters but is rated to take on a fair bit of smoke.Īlso poking at that seat14c writing contest. When the sunroom was added, the hood then vented into the sunroom. It feels like an unreasonable number of tack strips, nails, and staples to take up - especially in the closet - but I'm getting there.Īlso on the list: finally replace the fume hood - sorry range hood - with a non-venting one, in stainless to match the new kitchen appliances. Got a big pile of engineered hickory on craigslist - enough to do all 3 bedrooms! Only tackling one on this vacation - have other stuff to do. And then today they started screaming and running around again.and the relevant boss had his usual response, that always means extra work for anyone in his path.Īnyway.vacation. Then I tried to poke them, because the new deadline they were aiming for meant I needed to do the work by labor day at the latest. I mean, I officially was not allowed to take care of it. Tomorrow I'm irked about: it's for a tiny task that could have been done months ago but people kept running around screaming instead of just letting me take care of it. Last week I mostly ignored a thing until others figured out it was going to be a problem - that counts as success. On vacation, from last Wednesday through this Wednesday.have ended up logged in every single weekday during vacation. Might wander back, or finally migrate to Dreamwidth, or.something. Still alive, still em to have wandered off of LJ for a while.

Could blizzard see if i was using tinytask